Hire Top 1% Dedicated Resources

Hire the best resources with excellent technical and communication skills at affordable prices to work in your timezone. 100% Confidential and Secure

Job roles

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Hire the best resource

Are you looking for highly skilled resources to build an interactive website or app to transform your business’ brand image? Well, OpenXcell is here with a huge resource pool of talented and experienced techies.


CHoose your development language

OpenXcell network has experts across various software development languages and technologies. Here’s a list of all the languages OpenXcell has to offer you to develop your business solution.


Product development frameworks

Our competent and highly skilled programmers use popular frameworks to develop an effective solution to meet your business objectives. So have a look at the frameworks that OpenXcell provides for your product development.



Our DBAs have profound technical knowledge of various databases, which empowers us to help our clients improve their current database management operations. Check out the list of databases that our techies have to offer.

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OpenXcell helped me in putting my ideas into a great design.

Lisa Bailey, Founder, DockHere

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Frequently asked questions about Job Roles

OpenXcell has been a strong name in the web and mobile app development industry for more than 12 years now. With an army of highly skilled developers, designers, DBAs, digital marketing executives, a human resource team, and many more to enlist, OpenXcell ensures a reliable and skilled resource to be provided for your requirements. We screen our candidates thoroughly to provide you with the top 1% talent from the industry. So, if you are thinking of hiring resources, OpenXcell can be the best choice for you.

Obviously yes. You can hire dedicated developers with OpenXcell depending on your specific industry after evaluating their skills compatibility with your industry vertical. We have expert developers who can match your industry to deliver only the best so that your application turns out to be fruitful to give expected results.

You can hire our resources with very few simple steps. Share your requirements by filling up a form to tell us which resource you need and how much experience the resource should hold. Then you can screen our candidates to choose which candidate can suit your team and finally sign a contract to kick start the development.

When you hire a resource from OpenXcell, you are free to choose the desired pricing model depending upon your project’s requirements. We offer three hiring models, viz. hourly, monthly, and yearly. The rate starts from $18/hour on an hourly basis, $2,399/month on a monthly basis, and $18,999/year. These rates are the starting rates and will be subjected to increase depending upon their experience and experts. We also offer a two weeks free trial for hiring any resource.

Based on the customer’s requirements, OpenXcell offers three engagement models to hire resources. They are,

  • Dedicated team model
  • Fixed cost model
  • Time & material model

You can communicate with your hired dedicated engineer or any resource at any point in time to know the updates in the project or give any necessary instructions. We offer various ways of communication to choose from depending on the client’s needs. We mainly use Slack, Skype, e-mails, etc., and Trello, Basecamp, etc. are used for tracking the progress of the project.

Before hiring developers, you should be sound about what output you are expecting from them. You should know the basics of technologies, project timeline, how much expertise and experience you require from the resource, etc. But if you are a totally non-tech person, then we are here to guide you thoroughly in the entire journey.

OpenXcell has the most experienced and expert resources in the industry, so there are very few chances that any resources might disappoint you. But, in case there is any glitch, then we have already provided you with a free trial period of two weeks. In these two weeks, you can assess the resources and change them if you are not satisfied.