Hire Machine Learning Developer

Looking to hire Machine Learning developers? Look no further! Our team of expert ML developers is here to turn your ideas into reality. 100% Confidential and Secure

Role Description

Hire Machine Learning Developer for Crafting Comprehensive ML Solutions

OpenXcell houses the most skilled and experienced Machine Learning developers to give you a smooth entry into the world of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Our dedicated Machine Learning programmers have a bespoke approach to develop a tailored solution for your business catering to all your needs. When considering incorporating AI/ML into your business, you can choose from our Infrastructure-focused Machine Learning developers or Modeling-focused Machine Learning programmers based on your requirements.

With our dependable Machine Learning services, you can take advantage of data-driven goods and next-generation technology to accelerate your digital transformation plan. OpenXcell offers the most cost-effective and flexible pricing methods for hiring Machine Learning developers. You can also hire Machine Learning developers based on your requirements with the various engagement models that we provide, say, hourly, monthly, or yearly.

  • Skilled, experienced & dedicated Machine Learning Developer
  • Reduce 60% of development cost
  • Ensure project privacy with strict NDA-signed documents
  • Complete source code authorization & premium code quality
  • Highly skilled in Machine Learning development
  • Flexible engagement models



Technology Stack

Technology Stack

Technical Expertise our ML Developers/Engineers

Machine Learning tools:
TensorFlow PyTorch Apache Mahout Spark Hadoop Apache Kafka IBM Watson MATLAB
Programming languages:
C/C++ C# Java Python JavaScript Swift React Native
Data analytics & visualization tools:
Pandas Matplotlib Tableau Jupyter Notebook
NumPy Scikit-learn NLTK
PM Tools:
Trello Slack Basecamp Jira Asana Azure DevOps Hubstaff tasks
AI-based chatbot development

AI-based chatbot development

Hire Machine Learning Developers to considerably reduce your cost in customer service. Get the most interactive chatbots deployed on your website that are relatable and humane by our ML experts.

AI process automation

AI process automation

Get all your processes streamlined with smart AI-based tools and solutions developed by keeping your business needs in focus. Our Machine Learning Programmers are experienced in tailoring a highly automated process for your business.

User behavior analysis

User behavior analysis

OpenXcell has highly experienced Machine Learning Developers who can develop a robust behavioral analysis tool that can provide user insights to quickly and effectively turn visitors into customers.

Smart solution development

Smart solution development

Get AI solutions that are powered with the integrations of machine learning functionalities such as Natural Language Processing, image processing, smart prediction techniques, artificial neural network development, etc.

Business analytics solution development

Business analytics solution development

Accelerate your business with our Machine Learning Developers who can offer risk-free and smart decision-making by implementing robust Machine Learning development services.

Recommendation system development

Recommendation system development

Give your users an excellent experience with an advanced recommendation system developed by our expert Machine Learning Programmers to give a boost to your brand value.


Our pricing plans, alongwith a free trial of 2 weeks


Hire our experienced resources on an hourly basis if you have a short-term project or need a specific service.

$ 18 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*


If your requirements are pretty much specific and need someone long-term, get a resource on a monthly basis.

$ 2,399 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*


If you need ongoing assistance and expect your requirements to change, hire a resource on a yearly basis.

$ 18,999 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*

Steps to hire

How Can you Hire Machine Learning Developer with OpenXcell?


Share your project idea

Drop your requirements or fill the form. We analyze your needs and share the overall estimation of time, resources, tech stacks, etc.

Screen our

Select a perfect match after screening our candidates that match your requirements and can suit your team.

Sign a contract & start development

We sign a non-disclosure agreement along with various documents, and the resource is added to your team to start development.

Why OpenXcell?

Make the Most of a World-class Team and Infrastructure


development facilities


sQ. MTR of
office space


software engineers &
technical staff


software designed,
developed & deployed


IT support staff


years of development




own Successful


OpenXcell helped me in putting my ideas into a great design.

Lisa Bailey, Founder, DockHere

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The success of our customers speaks louder than our words


Frequently Asked Questions

OpenXcell follows a strict and streamlined process of hiring Machine Learning Developers. The pool of Machine Learning Developers at OpenXcell has only the best and most experienced engineers who have qualified in all aspects to develop the best possible solutions. Our Machine Learning Developers have complete knowledge of all the development, operations, and process management.

When you hire an experienced Machine Learning developer from OpenXcell, you are free to choose the desired pricing model depending on your project’s requirements. We offer three hiring models, viz. hourly, monthly, and yearly. The rate starts from $18/hour on an hourly basis, $2,399/month on a monthly basis, and $18,999/year. These rates are the starting rates and will be subject to increase depending upon their experience and experts.

When you are deciding to hire a Machine Learning Developer with OpenXcell, there are very few simple steps that you need to follow. Fill out a form to tell us what kind of resource you require and how much experience the resource should have. Then you may interview our applicants to see which Machine Learning Developers might be a good fit for your company and then sign a contract to begin development.

An IT professional with a concentration on self-running artificial intelligence (AI) systems to automate predictive models is known as a machine learning engineer. The AI algorithms that characterize machine learning are designed and developed by machine learning engineers and are capable of learning and producing predictions (ML).

An ML engineer generally collaborates with data scientists, administrators, data analysts, data engineers, and data architects as part of a wider data science team. Depending on the scale of the firm, they could additionally interact with groups outside of their teams, such as the IT, software development, sales, or web development teams.

Data scientists who concentrate on statistical and model-building work and the development of machine learning and AI systems are connected by ML engineers.

Some of the major technologies and programming languages used by our Machine Learning Developers are,

  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • Apache Mahout
  • Spark
  • Hadoop
  • Apache Kafka
  • IBM Watson
  • C/C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Swift
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • React Native
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Tableau
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • NumPy
  • Scikit-learn
  • NLTK

Machine learning developers have multiple roles and responsibilities depending upon their skills, experience, and knowledge. Some of the common responsibilities of an ML developer are,

  • Examine and modify data science prototypes
  • Create systems for machine learning
  • Find and use the best machine learning tools and algorithms.
  • Create machine learning apps in accordance with the specifications
  • Pick suitable datasets and data representation techniques.
  • Conduct testing and trials with machine learning
  • Utilize test findings to do statistical analysis and fine-tuning.
  • System training and retraining as appropriate
  • Extend current ML frameworks and libraries
  • Keep up with changes in the industry

Based on the customer’s requirements, OpenXcell offers three engagement models to hire Machine Learning Developers. They are,

• Dedicated Team Model

• Fixed Cost Model

• Time & Material Model

OpenXcell’s Machine Learning developers have multiple skills that can make your business future-ready. Here are a few major ones,

  • Software engineering skills
  • Data science skills
  • Python, R, Database, and other language skills
  • Virtual machine and cloud environment knowledge
  • MapReduce, Hadoop, etc.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • ML algorithm skills
  • Math and statistics

There are multiple reasons to hire Machine Learning developers from India, some of them are,

  • Huge pool of talent
  • No language barriers with English fluency among managers
  • Comparatively cost-effective
  • Open arms and the right attitude toward work
  • Advantages of time-zone flexibility
  • No compromise on quality
  • Diversity in knowledge, expertise, and experience
  • 24/7 support
  • No hidden conditions or charges

Our Machine Learning developers are highly skilled and provide numerous services depending on your project requirements. Some of the top services provided by our ML developers are,

  • AI-based chatbot development
  • AI process automation
  • User behavior analysis
  • Smart solution development
  • Business analytics solution development
  • Recommendation system development

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