Hire Product Manager

Streamline your process with an experienced Product manager 100% Confidential and Secure

Role Description

Product Managers by OpenXcell

OpenXcell has a huge pool of creative and innovative product managers all set to develop or reform a product for you. Regardless of any technology or domain, our product managers have the skill and expertise to transform any product giving it a new look. When you want to stay in the competition, you require a product manager to keep innovating your products or bringing a new one to market.

We have trained product managers who can understand your business needs and bring a new product to market complementing your business to earn you profits. Also, any existing product can be easily transformed using the latest trends, tools, and technologies by our experienced product managers.

Hire product managers to develop a product management strategy that can effectively portray your brand, give your business profits, and launch a useful product for the users.

  • Experienced, skilled, & dedicated product managers
  • Reduce 60% of development cost
  • Ensure project privacy with strict NDA signed documents
  • Complete source code authorization & premium code quality
  • Flexible engagement models


Technology Stack

Technology Stack

Technical expertise our resources hold

Web & full stack:
PHP Python Laravel MEAN Stack DevOps MERN stack Golang
ReactJS ChartJS AnimeJS jQuery D3JS
PM tools:
Trello Slack Basecamp Jira Asana Azure DevOps Hubstaff tasks
Vision development

Vision development

Product vision development is a critical part of product development. Project managers define a vision of the final product to show you the direction and destination of achieving the goal.

Market research

Market research

In market research, the product manager carries out the process of data collection and market analysis for the kind of product you want to develop.

Customer understanding

Customer understanding

The product manager analyzes the customer data to create user personas, identify customer needs, study customer behavior, and also help in research for giving a satisfactory user experience.

Strategy development

Strategy development

An effective product development strategy is required for a successful product, which is developed by the product manager. The strategy includes an internal roadmap, external roadmap, and mapping them to business goals.


Our pricing plans, alongwith a free trial of 2 weeks


Hire our experienced resources on an hourly basis if you have a short-term project or need a specific service.

$ 18 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*


If your requirements are pretty much specific and need someone long-term, get a resource on a monthly basis.

$ 2,399 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*


If you need ongoing assistance and expect your requirements to change, hire a resource on a yearly basis.

$ 18,999 USD
Free Trial For 2 Weeks Available*

Steps to hire

How can you hire a product manager with OpenXcell?


Share your project requirements

Drop your requirements or fill the form. We analyze your needs and share the overall estimation of time, resources, tech stacks, etc.

Screen our

Select a perfect match after screening our candidates that match your requirements and can suit your team.

Sign a contract & get going

We sign a non-disclosure agreement along with various documents, and the resource is added to your team to start development.

Why OpenXcell?

Make the most of a world-class team and infrastructure


development facilities


sQ. MTR of
office space


software engineers &
technical staff


software designed,
developed & deployed


IT support staff


years of development




own Successful


OpenXcell helped me in putting my ideas into a great design.

Lisa Bailey, Founder, DockHere

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Faq for Product Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

A Product Manager is one who identifies the needs of customers, understands the objectives, draws the needed features or specs, and predicts the success of the project with the help of the team. The tasks of a Product Manager are endless and cannot be summarized in a few lines, but you can say that Product Managers are the strong backbone of any product development as they bridge the gap between the technical development team, stakeholders, and client.

You can hire our Product Managers with very few simple steps. Share your requirements by filling up a form to tell us which resource you need and how much experience the resource should hold. Then you can screen our candidates to choose which Project Manager can suit your team and finally sign a contract to kick start the development.

OpenXcell has Product Managers with varied experiences and expertise. You can choose from multiple profiles each with a different skill set. Some of the major skills that our Product Managers have are, 

  • Complete understanding of web development process
  • Highly thorough with technologies and frameworks
  • Technical skills to identify problems and understand client needs
  • Market research understanding and conducting
  • Documentation of technical specs and requirements
  • Analytical skills and critical thinking capabilities
  • Leadership and accountability of work
  • Ability to take initiatives for the team and project betterment

When you hire a Product Manager from OpenXcell, you are free to choose the desired pricing model depending on your project’s requirements. We offer three hiring models, viz. hourly, monthly, and yearly. The rate starts from $18/hour on an hourly basis, $2,399/month on a monthly basis, and $18,999/year. These rates are the starting rates and will be subject to increase depending upon their experience and experts. We also offer two weeks free trial for hiring Product Managers.

Once you hire a Product Manager with OpenXcell, you can connect with them in multiple ways, whichever is suitable for you. Whether it is an online project collaboration tool, or project management tool, OpenXcell’s Product Managers are well-versed with all the tools. You can track project progress via Basecamp, Trello, JIRA, etc.

There are multiple reasons to hire Product Manager from India, some of them are, 

  • Huge pool of talent
  • No language barriers with English fluency among managers
  • Comparatively cost-effective
  • Open arms and right attitude towards work
  • Advantage of time-zone flexibility
  • No compromise on quality
  • Diversity in knowledge, expertise, and experience
  • 24/7 support
  • No hidden conditions or charges

OpenXcell has the most experienced and expert Product Managers in the industry, so there are very less chances that any of the engineers might disappoint you. But, in case there is any glitch, then we have already provided you with a free trial period of two weeks. In these two weeks, you can assess the Product Manager and can change them if you are not satisfied.

The major responsibilities of the Product Manager can be enlisted as, 

  • Research, gathering, and analyzing market data for getting knowledge of the competition related to the product
  • Ideate, taking initiatives, and add new features, specs, etc. for the ongoing projects
  • Lay down product roadmap, product positioning, and product vision
  • Create a balance between the client requirements, and development team or stakeholders
  • Clearly communicate the product idea given by the client, brand vision, etc., to the sales, development, marketing, and other teams
  • Ensure that testing is carried out properly for detecting and fixing bugs
  • Track the performance of the product and team
  • Ensure that the product life cycle is followed

OpenXcell follows a strict and streamlined process for hiring Product Managers. The pool of Product Managers at OpenXcell has only the best and most experienced engineers who have qualified in all aspects to develop the best possible solutions. Our Product Managers have complete knowledge of all the business analysis, development, operations, and process management.

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