Custom Software Development Company

Get a customized software solutions from us and explore new avenues for your business. 100% Confidential and Secure
Custom Software Development Company


Craft your Project with the Premier Custom Software Development Company

We offer result-driven custom software development services that meet the specific requirements of small, mid size and enterprise level businesses.

We assist mid-sized to large businesses advance their digital transformation to a newer stature. As the best custom software development company in India and USA, we put our extensive knowledge and stellar reputation to work. We provide custom application development that aids businesses in converting their product roadmap into cutting-edge, scalable, and secure solutions ready for the market.

We are an end-to-end custom software development service provider, working with you from early concepts to launching the product in the market. We consider utmost precautions to ensure confidentiality and transparency when customizing your software development project.

We offer custom software solutions and have a team of developers who diligently toil to provide flawless software products. Our software development company offer a wide range of custom software services, including product development, software testing, software designing, and more. 

Our Custom Software Development Services


Why Choose OpenXcell as your Custom Software Solutions Partner


years of development


software engineers &
technical staff


software designed,
developed & deployed


State of art
development facilities



Industries & Projects

Bespoke Software Solutions for
Small to Large-scale Businesses


Hire experienced On-Demand Custom Software Developers

Communication ease

Communication ease

Our developers work closely with you in real time, ensuring seamless collaboration, transparency and robust management of processes and 24*7 software support & maintenance.

Scalable resources

Scalable resources

Our flexible customized software development model allows you to ramp up or ramp down the dedicated team of custom on demand developers as per the requirements of the projects.

Source code Ownership

Source code Ownership

Our custom software development firm values your independence and hence enables you to have complete control over source code and intellectual property.

Cost effective

Cost effective

Our resources are budget friendly compared to the rest of the software development companies offshore. We as offshore IT service providers assist our clients to expand their productivity at minimal cost.


Tech stack for Custom Software Development


  • .NET
  • JAVA
  • Python
  • PHP


  • AngularJS
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • NextJS

models of working

Our Engagement Models for Custom Software Development Outsourcing

Build - Operate - Transfer

  • Long term collaboration
  • Highly scalable team
  • Team ownership
  • Dedicated working centre
time & material

Time & material

  • Short-medium term collaboration
  • Low scalable team
  • Detailed specifications
  • Clean deadlines
development fixed cost

Fixed cost

  • Short-long term collaboration
  • Flexible budget and timeframe
  • Complete control over the process
  • Highly scalable team

Our Custom Software Development Process

A Thorough Process Ensuring your Product is as Distinct as your Concept


Consultation & Requirement Gathering, Market & Competitor’s Research & Goal Definition

Design & Prototype

Product Architecture & Design, Prototype, MVP & Wireframes


Functional Implementation, Software Coding, & Optimization


Quality Assurance, Troubleshooting, & Testing


Launch, Beta Live, & Live


Performance Evaluation, & Analytics Implementation


Monitoring, Feedback, Analysis, & Complete Support



Consultation & Requirement Gathering, Market & Competitor’s Research & Goal Definition

Design & Prototype

Design & Prototype

Product Architecture & Design, Prototype, MVP & Wireframes



Functional Implementation, Software Coding, & Optimization



Quality Assurance, Troubleshooting, & Testing

Maintenance icon


Monitoring, Feedback, Analysis, & Complete Support



Performance Evaluation, & Analytics Implementation

Deployment icon


Launch, Beta Live, & Live



Delivering Robust Solutions as a Leading Custom Software Development Company

Complete Transparency

At OpenXcell, we understand the importance of being open and honest with our clients, and strive to foster a sense of collaboration and partnership. By building a foundation of trust, we try to overcome any challenges and ensure the success of your project.

Quality Solutions

We ensure that the product you built with us is exactly the product you had expected. Hence, our software developers team continues to update the product and create the desired solution. We strive to deliver each project with extreme precision and multiple quality checks for ensuring 100% client satisfaction.

Domain Specific Talent

We have a bandwidth of 500 professionals that hold years of industry experience and are selected using an extensive vetting process. Clients of OpenXcell can hire software developers as per their choice and skills needed to develop their projects. Hence, rest assured that you will get a dedicated team with your desired resources always.

Reduced Operational Cost

At OpenXcell, we recruit the top 1% talent in the Indian IT industry. However, our developers are available at 60% lower cost compared to the software developers in US, UK, Poland, Philippines or Ukraine which helps our clients to stay within their budget, yet, leverage the best software programmers in the market.


The success of our customers speaks louder than our words

jobtatkal_image SOFTWARE
India’s top Generative AI-Powered job portal
Mongo DBNext.jsNodeJSOpenAI (GPT-4)ReactJS
Vabotu Case Study_image SOFTWARE, UTILITY
Online team collaboration platform development
Graph QLLaravelMySQLReact NativeSwiftVue JS
_image Ecommerce, SOFTWARE
SaaS-Based eCommerce automation software
JavaMongo DBMySQLNodeJS


Frequently asked questions on Custom Software Development

A custom software development company is a type of software development company that specially customizes software to meet the needs of its customers. A custom software development company aims to tailor customized solutions according to clients’ requirements, save cost and enhance business in every possible way.

Custom software development is a process of developing bespoke software in-house that is in fine tune with the business or client’s requirements and meets all the specifications regardless of its complexity. Customized software development allows businesses to improve their overall efficiency cost-effectively and accommodates all the requirements lucidly in the software.

Depending on the client and business requirements, there are different types of custom software. To name a few,

•   Web application development

•   Mobile application development

•   Desktop application development

•   Big Data application development

•   Real-time application development

With a custom software application for your business that is tailored to your requirements, your business can profit manifold. This software is built to ensure that all the crucial and cumbersome processes are automated to relieve your resources. In turn, these resources can be used for other important tasks. Apart from the benefits of automation, a business can also save on extra integration and licensing costs. Custom software solutions replace your existing solutions to boost productivity and thereby provides you an edge over your competitors.

There are numerous considerations that contribute to deciding the cost of custom software development. In developing custom software, there is no uniformity, or, no two applications will be identical. This results in cost differences for all the custom software’s development costs. The costs mostly depend on the size of the application, the number of integrations, usage patterns, design, and other specifications.

A business longs for custom software if a business relies more on manual work that takes away from the efficiency of the employees, a business is facing recurring issues, that are to be solved every time, data collection and analysis requires most of the time, it’s a tough task to manage and communicate with the clients, a business is expanding and scaling up, there’s a need to automate various processes.

There are numerous reasons that account to decide the right technology stack, such as, existing platforms, scalability, use of data types, etc. But the decision can be made only by considering the primary business needs and the features that are needed to be incorporated into the software. The right technology stack needs to be finalized based on the features.

Based on the customer’s requirements OpenXcell offers three engagement models for custom software development. They are,

•  Dedicated Team Model

•  Fixed Cost Model

•  Time & Material Model

OpenXcell uses various Software development methodologies depending upon the nature of the requirements and the user’s needs. The major ones that we use are,

•  Agile methodology

•  Scrum methodology

•  Waterfall methodology