Hotel Property Management System: Revolutionizing Hospitality

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Hotel Property Management System

Have you thought about how hotels manage reservations, rates, and room services? The answer is that they have a handy tool, a hotel property management system (PMS). 

Running a hotel feels like a constant juggling act; keeping track of reservations, ensuring sparkling clean rooms, managing room rates, and, of course, happy guests are a must. But what is the secret weapon to streamline the hotel chaos? Enter the hotel PMS; it is a magical wand of software revolutionizing how you run a hotel business. 

In this guide, we will learn about the incredible advantages of a hotel PMS system, unpacking its benefits and features and explaining how it makes a hotel experience a lot easier. So, whether you are a seasoned hotelier or starting out, this blog is your one step to understanding PMS and harnessing its power. 

  • According to the hotel tech report, 86% of hotels use modern PMS technology for their day-to-day operations. 
  • 62% of hoteliers said they will have fully contactless service by 2025.
  • 73% of guests prefer to stay at hotels that offer self-service technology. 
  • 54% of hotels shared that they prioritize implementing technology to eliminate the front desk experience by 2025.

What is a Hotel Property Management System?

The Hotel Property Management System (PMS) is a software that facilitates the hotel’s reservation and administrative management. The hotel PMS manages the operations of the front desk, staff, and guests. It helps keep track of check-in and check-out and the availability of the rooms. 

The software works as the ideal center of hotel operations. It is extremely helpful to the staff to coordinate the operational functions across all the departments. 

To put it simply, hotel PMS automates, organizes, and keeps staff updated with operations; it saves hours and helps serve guests better. 

Different types of Hotel PMS

There are mainly three types of hotel PMS variants, each working differently and having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here, we will explain each type of PMS system.

1. On-Premise Hotel PMS

The On-premise software is well-known in local hotels. It helps give full control over data and security. This software is ideal for prioritizing maximum data control with dedicated IT storage and operations. It’s like a dedicated server room in the hotel basement.


  • Ironclad Security
  • Customization 
  • Offline Functionality


  • High Upfront Cost
  • Limited Scalability
  • Location Bound 

2. Hybrid Cloud Hotel PMS

The Hybrid cloud hotel PMS works as the bridge between on-premises and cloud-based systems. The software works on core functionalities residing on the local servers with other flexibility and scalability of the cloud. The software is perfect for getting the balance between data control and scalability of some functionalities for offline access. 


  • Tailored Security
  • Scalable Potential
  • Reduced IT Burden


  • Complexity
  • Potential Upfront Costs

3. Cloud-Based Hotel PMS 

Cloud-based is the new and modern technology in hotel property management systems. The software model is based on subscription, where everything runs on the vendor’s server. It can be operated anytime, anywhere, with just an internet connection. Hotels are using this software to prioritize work, affordability, scalability, and complete remote access. 


  • Cost- Effective
  • Automatic Updates
  • Unparalleled Accessibility
  • Scalability for Growth


  • Data Reliance
  • Internet Dependence

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What are the Core Functionalities of Hotel PMS Software?

core functionalities of hotel pms

1. Reservations

One of the most essential features of a hotel property management system is reservation management. The hotel software manages and organizes the booking from all different boxes, such as online direct booking, travel agencies booking, and other online and offline media. This feature solves the risk of overbooking or mishap hazards. 

2. Front Desk Operations

The feature of the front desk operation is to give the manager an update on rooms, reservations, check-outs, and payments. The front desk operations give guests a seamless experience and convenience, creating comfort for guests and as well for front desk managers.

3. Channel Management

Each custom software offers channel management that allows the creation and implementation of different distribution strategies that continuously drive and record bookings. This channel features work with various agencies, from OTAs to GDSs, and helps in the competitive climate to be ahead in the market.

4. Housekeeping Management

The hotel PMS’s housekeeping feature connects the housekeeping staff to the front desk. The front desk managers can easily list out the tasks and assign them to housekeepers. With the cloud-based PMS, housekeepers can get updates of their work status on mobile phones or tablets. This function helps greatly in housekeeping management and property maintenance. 

5. Customer Data and CRM Integration

CRM and customer data management are critical features for hoteliers to collect and organize the guest’s data and previous customers’ details during their stay. The CRM module integrates with the front desk and reservation system to collect all guest details from different sources. It helps save all guest data and gives access in a proper format. 

6. Revenue Management

The property management system in hotels needs an excellent revenue management feature. With all the digital use of guest reservations, hoteliers need to make proper revenue management and booking. With the feature of revenue management, one should be able to set rates, offer promotional codes, control availability, and visual reservation calendar.

7. Online Booking Engine

Hotels have multiple points of sale across their property, including hotels, restaurants, spas, wellness retreats, gift shops, etc. This makes a hotel PMS’s online business sale module a crucial feature for managing transactions. With the integrated online booking engines, the hospitality business automates sales transaction processing, generates invoices smoothly, etc. 

8. Security and Compliance

The hotel PMS systems store sensitive data about guests, such as names, addresses, contact information, and card details. This makes security and compliance a necessary feature for any hotel PMS. Security features need proper data encryption, user authentication, and secure payment gateways. Compliance with data protection regulations builds guest trust and reduces the risk of breaches and financial losses. 

How to Choose the Correct Hotel Property Management System?

In any hotel business, choosing the perfect hotel property management system is important for a business’s hospitality operations and growth. 

  1. Understanding Hotel Requirements

First, start by identifying the property’s specific requirements. There are some factors to consider, such as property size, number of rooms, types of guests, and features included in the PMS. 

  1.  Assess the Technology Platform

Hotel PMS needs to evaluate the underlying technology platform that is crucial for long-term success. The cloud-based system offers greater scalability than on-premise solutions. Correct PMS technology also provides robust security features like data encryption, user authentication, and secure login.

  1. Proper User Experience and Support

User experience plays a crucial role in successfully adopting the hotel PMS. Choose a system that is intuitive and easy to use for staff, minimizing the curve and potential errors. 

  1. Analyze and ROI

One of the most important things to do is assess the PMS’s total cost of ownership, including setup fees, subscription costs, and additional support charges. Compare the cost against the potential return on investment (ROI) for efficiency and revenue growth. 

  1. Request Demos and Conduct Trials

Take advantage of hotel PMS trial periods offered by PMS vendors to get hands-on experience with the software. These periods allow you to test the features, functionality, and usability of the PMS.

  1. Gather Feedback

Solicit feedback from key stakeholders, including the front desk staff, management, and housekeeping, after testing the PMS. Their input can provide valuable insights into each system’s strengths and weaknesses and help make an informed decision. 

By following these steps, one can make an informed decision about choosing the correct hotel property management system for your property. 

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Benefits of Hotel PMS Software

benefits of hotel pms software
  1. Improved Efficiency 

The PMS system hotel software automates various tasks, such as check-ins, check-outs, reservations, and payment processes. This reduces manual errors, streamlines operations, and allows staff to focus on providing better services to guests rather than being stuck on administrative tasks. 

  1. Streamline Management

The Hotel PMS is the centralized platform for managing all aspects of hotel operations, including room inventory, housekeeping scheduling, reservation, billing, etc. It organizes and enables seamless communication and coordination between different departments, leading to more efficient management. 

  1. Reduce Time Spent on Administrative Tasks

By automating repetitive administrative tasks like reporting, invoicing, and data entry, the hotel PMS system frees up staff time, allowing them to allocate their resources more effectively. This reduction in administrative burden leads to increased productivity and allows staff to focus on delivering exceptional guest experience. 

  1. Increase Online Presence

Many of the best hotel PMSs integrate with online booking engines and channel managers, allowing the hotel to expand its online presence across various distribution channels. It increases visibility, helps attract more potential guests, and drives booking directly. 

  1. Manage Hotel Distribution 

The hotel PMS software integrates with channel managers and online travel agencies, allowing the hotel to manage its distribution channels even better. The integration ensures real-time synchronization of rates, inventory, room availability, etc., and reduces the risk of underselling or overbooking. 

Overall, Hotel PMS software offers many benefits, such as streamlining management and increasing online visibility, efficiency, and guest experience. 

What is the Use Of the Hotel PMS For Various Property Types?

The hotel software systems are the central hub for managing all aspects of a hotel’s operations, regardless of property type. Here is a brief about how it is useful across different types of properties:

1. Hotel: For any traditional hotels, the PMS handles reservations, room assignments, billing, etc. It streamlined the front desk operations and managed everything on schedule. 

2. Resorts: For a resort, they have additional amenities like a spa, water parks, play zones, and more. The hotel PMS manages bookings of these facilities, schedules activities, and keeps track of guest preferences.

3. B&Bs: Even for small properties like Bed and Breakfasts, there is a PMS available. It manages reservations, handles guest queries, and maintains records. It also assists in payments and inventory management.

4. Vacation Rentals: For rented out properties on platforms like Airbnb a PMS, centralized booking formation, automated check processes, and handles guest communication. It also assists in managing cleaning schedules and coordination. 

5. Hostels: The hostels have dormitory-style accommodation and budget-conscious options. The hotel PMS helps manage bed assignments, group bookings, and payment gateways.

In essence, PMS is a versatile tool that adapts to the specific needs of different types of properties and helps them organize their operations, improve guest satisfaction, and maximize revenue generation. 

10 Best Hotel Property Management Systems

1. Cloudbeds

Cloudbeds is one of the well-known hotel PMS systems. It seamlessly integrates various platforms and services. It is recognized for its robust set of features, user-friendly design, and commitment to improving operational efficiency and guest experiences. 

2. Mews

Mews is a versatile hotel PMS software; it is well appreciated for its hospitability framework. It streamlines operations by offering automated tasks, ensuring a consistent guest experience, and providing comprehensive integrations. Mews cater to different property sizes and types, facilitating management through an intuitive interface and useful features like payment gateways, online booking, and guest management.

3. Hoteltime

Hoteltime Solutions is a cloud-based solution designed to streamline operations in restaurants, SPAs, hotels, event management, etc. It works on a time-saving management model and also has features like automation, robust reporting, and user-friendly interaction, giving modernized solutions. 

4. Oracle Hospitality

Oracle Hospitality offers a cloud-based hotel property management system called OPERA Cloud. It helps manage reservations, improve operations, room services, and room rates to boost revenue. It works for all sizes of hotels, from large resorts to independent small hotels. 

5. Stayntouch

Stayntouch is a cloud-based hotel PMS software known for its interesting interface and focus on the guest experience. It enhances hoteliers with features like mobile check-in, check-out, automated upsells, and integrations for straighten-out operations, aiming to increase both guest satisfaction and hotel revenue. 

6. Shiji Enterprise Platform

Shiji Enterprise platform is a Hotel PMS designed as guest-centricity software. It boasts a single guest profile across all properties, allowing it to give personalization and utilize an open API architecture for easy integration with other hotel technologies. 

7. WebRexPro

WebRezPro is an award-winning PMS trusted by independent hotels and chain hotels. It coordinates front and back office operations for smooth daily functions, boosting guest satisfaction and hotel profitability. 

8. Hotelogix

Hotelogix is a hotel property management system that simplifies the operations of independent hotels and resort joints. It automates tasks, centralizes control of multi-property management, and integrates with online channels to boost revenue and guest experience.

9. ResNexus

ResNexus is an all-in-one PMS that is perfect for individual hoteliers. It offers an easy-to-use interface and manages reservations with a built-in booking phone and other tools to facilitate the flow of operations without any contact.

10. HotelRunner

The HotelRunner PMS boasts a sales-first approach. Software systems arrange the operations, from booking to guest communication to finance management, all with an eye on increasing profitability. It caters to all sizes of properties. 

Future of the Hotel PMS

The future of the Hotel property management system is bright and advanced, driven by cloud technology and artificial intelligence for a proper guest-centric approach. The cloud-based system ensures remote access and scalability, while AI automates tasks and provides data-driven insights to optimize revenue and operations. PMS solutions also become increasingly guest-focused, personalizing experiences and fostering strong relationships. 

Simplify your Hotel Property Management System with Openxcell

OpenXcell is a leading provider of hotel technology solutions and is at the forefront of innovations. With open API integrations and a focus on guest experience, OpenXcell offers a future-proof hotel PMS that helps hotels streamline operations, boost revenue, and elevate guest satisfaction. 

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1. What is a Hotel Property Management System (PMS)?

A Hotel Property Management System is a software platform used by hotels and hospitality businesses to manage various operations, such as reservations, check-in/check-out, room assignments, housekeeping, billing, etc. It works as the central hub for all aspects of hotel operations.

2. What are the key features of a Hotel PMS?

There are many key features of Hotel PMS, like reservation management, billing, inventory and room management, housekeeping organization, reporting, analytics, integration with other systems, and more. 

3. How does a Hotel PMS benefit hoteliers?

The hotel PMS system is highly beneficial for hoteliers in many ways: streamlining operations, enhancing guests, increasing revenue, providing data-driven insights, improving collaboration, and more. It enhances their business and helps in generating revenue. 

4. What types of hotels can benefit from using a Hotel PMS?

Hotel PMS solutions are suitable for various types of accommodation.

  • Full-Service Hotels
  • Resorts and Spas
  • Boutique Halls
  • Bed and Breakfasts (B&Bs)
  • Vacation Rentals 
  • Serviced Apartments
  • Hostels and Lodges

5. Is a Hotel PMS easy to implement and use?

The implementation and use of PMS depend on the specific vendor and the complexity of the hotel’s operations. Many PMS give user-friendly interfaces, intuitive workflow, and robust training to support the simplified onboarding process for hotel staff. 

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Manushi Khambholja

Manushi, a former literature student, now crafts content as a writer. Her style merges simple yet profound ideas. Intrigued by literature and technology, she strives to produce content that captivates and stimulates.


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